7 facts and tips about acne and pimples you need to know
What exactly are acne and pimples?
Acne or pimples are a very common skin disorder that young people get in early puberty. They are caused by inflammation of the small sebaceous glands that surround the fine hairs on the face and chest. The amount of acne increases and generally reaches its peak between the ages of 17 and 19. For most people, acne clears up by the time a person reaches their mid-twenties, however, some people may have the disorder well into their mid-forties. In some, mostly men, the problem can become so serious that they need dermatological treatment. Hormonal changes during pregnancy or during menstrual cycles can also cause or increase the amount of acne. The same applies to environmental influences such as pollution, heat, humidity or cold.
Why do acne and pimples form?
During puberty, the level of male sex hormones (androgens) increases in boys and girls, and then the sebaceous glands produce more sebum. Increased production of sebum narrows the openings of the glands, which prevents sebum from escaping, and it is constantly being created. Pimples are often caused by Propionebacterium acnes, a bacteria on the skin that feeds with sebum. This bacteria creates waste products and fatty acids that irritate the sebaceous glands and make them inflamed.
7 facts and tips about acne and pimples that you must know:
- Wash your face twice a day with a mild product. Always wash your face when you sweat. Do not rub your face vigorously as this will only make the acne worse.
- Avoid hairstyles that cover the face. Wash your hair regularly.
- Do not squeeze pimples. You will only make the condition worse and it can create scars.
- Avoid exposing the skin to too low or too high temperatures. Sunlight will temporarily reduce acne, but it will not cure it.
- Use water-based preparations. Greasy creams and liquid powders clog pores and can cause acne.
- If you notice that acne increases after eating certain foods, try to avoid them. Adjust your diet, drink plenty of water and exercise regularly. If you feel good, your skin will feel good too.
- Use only non-greasy powder (does not close pores) for coverage. Remove makeup thoroughly before going to bed.
How to permanently get rid of acne, pimples and scars?
In addition to the advice we have given you above, we recommend the daily use of Celloderm Paris gel. It is the so-called snail gel, i.e. skin care gel containing allantoin (snail mucus). Allantoin effectively helps remove acne and pimples, cleans the skin and regenerates skin cells because it stimulates the production of proteins in the skin. For Celloderm Paris gel, we did clinical tests in Germany that proved its effectiveness, but it takes time to permanently remove acne, so use it for six to eight weeks, although you will see improvement on the skin much earlier.
If you have acne and pimples or oily skin - here's good news!
People who have problems with acne and oily skin in their youth will have fewer wrinkles on their face in old age, because wrinkles are mostly experienced by people with dry skin.
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