Hit & trendy wall colors!
It is well known that every year world designers decide on trends and interior colors. We reveal what two beautiful wall colors are in the trend now.
- Cranberry Red
(Red is the color of energy, passion, action, ambition and determination. It is also the color of anger and sexual passion. Associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination as we ll as passion, desire, and love.)
- Van Deusen Blue (Navy Blue)
(Blue is the color of trust and peace. It can suggest loyalty and integrity as well as conservatism and frigidity.)
Our recommendation is to paint a walls with the Paint Runner Pro Roller, not because it's in our offer, but because it's really the best (those who are skeptical can see reviews on Youtube). It is a self-contained and refillable roller holding up to 1L of paint – no drips and spills, less time climbing up and down a ladder and no more bending over to roll in the paint tray. It is very precise and pedantic, you can roll it all the way to the edges and you do not have to waste time on preparation. That's why painting becomes a real pleasure. Literally you can paint a room in an hour. And what's most important to women: you do not have to clean up afterwards!
These two colors are the absolute hit, not just for walls, but also for all interor decorations. If you still do not have enough courage to paint the entire room in these strong colors, it is enough to change some cushion, table cloth, bedding, picture on the wall or carpet, and your home will look awesome and modern.
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