Water-powered vacuum cleaner, i.e. a vacuum cleaner with water filtration that can vacuum wet and dry
There are two important characteristics that you should pay attention to when buying a vacuum cleaner.
a) The first is the way it collects and filters the collected dirt. This can be in a bag or in a container with water. Vacuum cleaners with collecting bags are, we could say, a thing of the past. Apart from the fact that you need to change the bags regularly, which makes additional costs, such vacs are not good for your health, they vacuum poorly and break down faster. The vacuumed dust and dirt pass through several filters and finally end up in a bag. While vacuuming with such a vacuum cleaner, you will notice that some of the dust comes out through the openings on the vacuum cleaner housing and returns back into the air. Some filters in such vacuum cleaners cannot be accessed, which means that you will never be able to remove them and clean them, and when dust accumulates on them, the vacuum cleaner loses its suction power. Simply put, they will quickly " get clogged" which will weaken them and they will break down faster.
b) Another important characteristic is the suction power. Most buyers make the mistake of looking at the motor power, but you should actually look at the suction power on the tube when buying a vacuum cleaner. Be especially careful here, some dealers cheat by highlighting the engine power and hiding the suction power. Vacuum cleaners with solid engine power, but weak suction power on the tube, usually do not vacuum deeply, so they are not a good option for vacuuming carpets and furniture. Also, with such vacuum cleaners, you will notice that they "get tired" quickly, i.e. after a short period of vacuuming, they lose power and do not vacuum as well as in the beginning. Therefore, be sure to ask the seller to tell you the suction power, if it is not indicated on the package.
Some call it Thomas, some call it Vector, but everyone is familiar with the most popular blue water-powered vacuum cleaner and everyone who has one praises it. You can easily check this in the comments on social networks. In this text, we will explain why Vector by Thomas is so adored and the best-selling vacuum cleaner to everyone who hasn't had the chance to try it yet.
Name and model of the vacuum cleaner
The vacuum cleaner is called Vector 1520 BI-TURBO, and it is produced by the well-known German manufacturer of household appliances, Thomas. That's why some call him Thomas, some Vector, but both names are correct.
What are the characteristics and advantages of the Vector water vacuum cleaner?
Vector is manufactured in Germany, which guarantees quality, and it comes with a one-year warranty. Vector is a water vacuum cleaner using the power of water as a filtration system, motor power 1500 W, with a suction power of 170 W on the tube, which is extremely high, that's why it vacuums strongly and, as users like to jokingly say, "rips up parquet floors". In addition to households, it is also used by many business facilities because it is small, convenient and easy to use, but has the power of professional vacuum cleaners, which are much more expensive.
Vector takes the sucked material into a water tank. It does not throw out dust while vacuuming. After use, the tank is easily emptied and washed with water, after which the vacuum cleaner is ready for use again. There are no hidden filters, so it vacuums equally powerfully the first time and the thousandth time.
Vector vacuums wet and dry. In addition to the classic vacuuming of dry surfaces (floors, furniture, carpets, mattresses...), if something spills or you have wet floors, you can vacuum them freely with Vector. It vacuums up to 13 l of liquid with one tank.
Vector can filter and purify the air in the room. If you turn it on and detach the suction tube from it, Vector sucks in air, purifies it and returns clean air to the room. You can add a few drops of essential oil of your choice to the water tank, so the returned air will smell pleasant and be refreshed. This is especially recommended in the areas of smokers, allergy sufferers, where there is a unpleasnet smell due to humidity or pets, etc.
Vector unclogs the drains. With the Vector vacuum cleaner, you get a rubber unclogging attachment that is used to vacuum clogged drains (sink, wash basin, shower, bathtub...) and which powerfully sucks stubborn deposits from your drains (e.g. accumulated hair, food residues, etc.) and restores rapid flow through drains.
With the Vector vacuum cleaner, you get various attachments; for vacuuming hard surfaces (wood, laminate, ceramics, stone, concrete floors...), for vacuuming fabrics (mattresses, furniture, carpets, curtains...), narrow extension for hard-to-reach areas, unclogging attachment and attachment for vacuuming wet surfaces and washing glass surfaces.
If you did not find some information on the Vector vacuum cleaner in this text, please contact our sales department at mediacom@bestsellertv.com and we will be happy to answer all your questions asap.
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