Personal Data Protection Terms
MEDIACOM d.o.o. headed at Mate Vlasica 26/36, Porec, Republic of Croatia, registered in the court register of the Commercial Court in Pazin under MBS No.: 040223094 (hereinafter referred to as "MEDIACOM") is the head of the personal data collection of the Beneficiary which is being processed within these general conditions. MEDIACOM processed the personal data of the beneficiaries in accordance with the Law on Protection of Personal Data (Official Gazette 103/03, 118/06, 41/08, 130/11, 106/12, hereinafter referred to as "ZZOP"). MEDIACOM has made the necessary adjustments in its business and processes personal data of the Beneficiary in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, and on the exclusion of the Directive 95/46 / EC (the "General Data Protection Regulation") and the Implementing of the General Data Protection Act (Official Gazette No. 42/2018) which will replace the PPL currently in force on 25 May 2018 .
The personal data processed are information received from the Customer when ordering our products via webshop. Your personal information includes the name and surname, email address, IP address, phone number, cell phone number and billing information such as: credit / debit card number, expiration date, CVV / CVC number and card holder name, address, zip code, city.
MEDIACOM processes User's personal information for the following purposes:
a) Processing personal information of the customer who ordered the product through the webshop so that the product could be delivered to his postal address.
Processing of the following Personal Users Data: names and surnames, e-mail addresses, IP addresses and billing information such as: credit / debit card number, expiration date, CVV / CCV number and card holder name, street and house number, city, are required for the purpose of concluding and executing the Contract (delivery of ordered products via webshop) between the User and MEDIACOM. In addition to the above mentioned data, MEDIACOM processes the telephone number, mobile phone number and email address if the User provided such information for administration and communication with the User in matters relating to the Contract since the order confirmation is delivered to the Customer by e-mail and by telephone or the mobile phone and User will be contacted for delivery if he is not in the location.
Providing these personal data by the User is voluntary, however, is a precondition for the conclusion of the Agreement between the user and MEDIACOM and for the delivery of the ordered product to the Customer. If the User does not provide personal information, except the phone number, cell phone and email address, MEDIACOM will not be able to execute the Contract and deliver the ordered product to the User.
b) Processing personal data for marketing purposes
The following personal information: The user's name, surname, e-mail address and postal address given at the time of order through the web shop are processed for the purpose of direct advertising via MEDIACOM's electronic mail, including: sending a newsletter, sending an electronic mail containing the polls about customer satisfaction, remarketing on social networks in collaboration with third-party media service providers such as Facebook or Google and sending SMS and Viber messages.
MEDIACOM, when processing personal data for the purpose of direct marketing, requires the explicit consent of the User to process his or her personal data for marketing purposes. The user can withdraw consent at any time by sending an email to the email address: or using the sign-of link when receiving the marketing information contained in each MEDIACOM email marketing communication message. Withdrawal of consent by the user will not have an adverse effect on the performance of the Agreement by MEDIACOM or delivery of the ordered product to the user and will not affect the legitimacy of processing based on consent before withdrawal.
c) Processing of personal data for the purpose of fulfilling the legal obligations
MEDIACOM may process the personal data of the user during or after termination of the Contract for the purpose of meeting the legal obligations imposed by the public authority. This includes in particular (i) processing information related to the payment of the delivered product under the Contract in order to meet tax and accounting obligations and (ii) disclosure of information requested by the public authorities, including courts, on the basis of and within the general applicable provisions (eg for the purpose rights of MEDIACOM, other Users or third parties, including intellectual property rights).
d)Processing of personal data for the purpose of achieving a legitimate interest of MEDIACOM or a third party provided that such legitimate interests do not interfere with the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the user
MEDIACOM may process personal data of the user during or after termination of the Contract for the purpose of enforcing MEDIACOM's legal requirements or the defense of MEDIACOM from legal claims, the protection of rights or safety of MEDIACOM, other Users or third parties, or for the purpose of reorganization, including merger and other changes in MEDIACOM's business, in whole or in part.
MEDIACOM can provide personal user's data:
a) service providers that provide MEDIACOM services, which enable MEDIACOM to deliver Product to Users. Services that may be required are, for example, providing infrastructure and IT services, providing customer support, Website optimization, credit card processing or other User payments. Unless it is necessary or required on the basis of cogent regulations, they are not authorized to disclose or use the User's personal data for their own purposes and will act on behalf and according to the instructions of MEDIACOM.
b) service providers that provide MEDIACOM services and enable them to conduct marketing activities, including direct marketing of MEDIACOM products, market research and statistical analysis, and social media remittances such as Facebook and Google. Unless it is necessary or required under cogent regulations, they are not authorized to disclose or use the User's personal data for their own purposes and will act on behalf and according to MEDIACOM instructions.
c) authorities, including courts, regulatory bodies and other public authorities, to the extent required to: (a) fulfill the legal obligation pertaining to MEDIACOM; (b) the protection of the rights of MEDIACOM, other Users or third parties, including intellectual property rights; (c) to protect the safety of MEDIACOM, other users or third parties;
d) Legal Advisors provided that third parties are required to comply with the general terms and conditions of the protection of personal data by ensuring an adequate level of protection of the personal data of users at least equal to these General Terms and Conditions.
The user can set requirements to MEDIACOM in order to achieve the following rights:
a) the right to access and correct his / her personal data;
b) the right to stop the processing of his / her personal data for marketing purposes;
c) the right to object to processing of personal data if personal data is processed for the purpose of achieving legitimate interests of MEDIACOM or third parties, provided such legitimate interests do not interfere with the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of users;
d) the right to delete personal data in the event that:
- personal data are no longer required for the purposes specified in point 3;
- The user withdraws the consent on which the processing is based and there is no other legal basis for processing;
- The user complains about the processing and there are no legitimate interests that would have to be processed;
- the personal data are processed without a legal basis;
e) the right to restrict processing in cases where:
- the accuracy of the personal data challenged by the User for the period in which MEDIACOM will check the accuracy of the personal data;
- processing is without legal grounds, but the User is opposed to the deletion of personal data and instead requires a restriction of use;
- MEDIACOM no longer needs the personal data of the user for the purposes specified in point 3, but the data requires the User for the purpose of obtaining or executing the legal requirements or the defense of the legal requirements.
Such requests and / or notices are provided by post, telephone and / or electronic mail to:
Personal Data Protection Officer Ana Bagić
Korper & Partneri Law Firm
Prilaz Gjure Deželića 16
10000 Zagreb
Phone number:+385 1 4846 261
The User's personal information will be processed during the term of the Contract. Upon termination of the Contract, personal data may be processed as follows:
a) for the purpose of achieving or enforcing MEDIACOM's legal requirements or the defense of MEDIACOM from legal claims or claims, without prejudice to paragraph d) of this Article
b) for the purposes of direct marketing - to the revocation of the attachment to such processing by the user or to objection processing of personal data for marketing purposes;
c) for the purpose of fulfilling the legal obligations pertaining to MEDIACOM;
d) for the purpose of legal, regulatory or administrative proceedings, including the execution of decisions or orders of competent courts or administrative or state bodies, to the extent permitted by law.
After the expiration of the above deadlines, the User's personal data will be deleted.
MEDIACOM uses the so-called cookies on the Web site to provide the User with access to certain functionality and to obtain information regarding the Web site visit. For more information on cookies, please go here.
Maintaining data security means securing confidentiality, integrity and availability (for permitted purposes) of personal data. Confidentiality means that only those persons who have the power to use the data can access them. Integrity means that personal data must be accurate and appropriate for the purpose for which they are being processed. Accessibility means that authorized users must be able to access the data if they are needed for licensed purposes. Furthermore, MEDIACOM shall take appropriate measures against the illegal or unauthorized processing of personal data, as well as against the accidental loss of personal data or damage done to personal data. These principles will be implemented in such a way as to provide adequate safeguards, both in relation to hardware and software (including physical input and access control system, locks, alarms, firewalls, etc.).
In the event of a violation of your personal data processing rights, you may file a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Agency. In any case, in order to resolve any problem related to privacy as quickly and easily as possible, it is recommended that you send complaints or requests to MEDIACOM before contacting the competent public authorities.